由《女人心世界》杂志主办的年度表扬盛事《女人行表扬会》,将于11月4日(星期五)在 HGH Convention Center Galaxy Banquet Hall 银星宴会厅隆重举行。
欣逢《女人心世界》6周年、《女人行表扬会》5周年庆典,今年大会主题为 “破茧成蝶 光采夺目 ”。
为传承社会公益慈善工作的使命, 本年《女人行表扬会》将举行一场公益论坛,为 B40 家庭孩子筹开学经费。
此外,今年适逢 #臻创荟 创立,历届获表扬师姐们也将会一如既往,全力支持此届表扬会,为《女人行表扬会》5周年增添意义。
The 5th Annual Women Glamour Award hosted by 女人心世界 will be held on Friday, November 4th at HGH Convention Center Galaxy Banquet Hall. To celebrate out 5th year on this journey, Women Glamour Award will host a charity forum and continuing our mission of social welfare and charity work, supporting children of B40 families’ back to school funds.